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New Essay Collection

Transformative Civic Role of Universities Launched In Memory of Lord Bob Kerslake

Enhancing the Student Civic Experience

A Roadmap to Empower Students

Universities across the UK should embed a ‘truly civic’ approach that equips all students as lifelong active citizens through formal learning, campus activities, and community engagement, according to a new report jointly produced by the Civic University Network and the UPP Foundation.

Growing disconnect between students and their university experience, UPP Foundation report finds.

Student Futures Commission

Students say climate change impacts their mental wellbeing

UPP Foundation and HEPI Public Attitudes to Higher Education 2022

Two thirds of the public in England support the reintroduction of maintenance grants for poorest students, but only 10% of the public think students should be prioritised for help with cost of living. Read more...

New UPP Foundation Grants Announced

UPP Foundation awards over £160k in funding to outstanding pilot initiatives

A Student Futures Manifesto

Belonging to the Future

The UPP Foundation launches its new 2025 strategy


As part of our public policy platform we commission reports on Access and Retention, The Civic University, Employability and Global Citizens. These reports help the higher education sector share best practice, as well as discuss new research, ideas and policy with the aim of advancing the understanding and knowledge of the key issues within each of our themes.


Publication | 22 October 2019

Developing a fair approach to applicants with criminal records

Publication | 19 July 2019

A Guide to Preparing Civic University Agreements

Publication | 19 July 2019

Civic university agreements: exploring synergies with Office for Students access and participation regulation and funding, authored by Chris Millward, Director for Fair Access and Participation, Office for Students

Publication | 22 October 2018

Report identifies a crisis in adult education as a major threat to the UK economy

Publication | 10 October 2017

An irredeemable time? The rising tide of hostility toward universities, authored by Glyn Davis AC, Vice-Chancellor, The University of Melbourne

Publication | 18 July 2017

On course for success? Student retention at university, authored by Social Market Foundation

Publication | 25 May 2017

Social Mobility and University Careers Services, authored by the Bridge Group

Publication | 24 April 2017

Student living: collaborating to support mental health in university accommodation, authored by Student Minds